Thought leadership 

Adrian maintains a Global network of academic and professional contacts connecting Novus Space to best practice and latest thinking from around the world.


Adrian is a keen advocate of a research led design and a thought leadership approach to designing for science. Key studies include a research project looking to gather the type of data that will add real value for clients.

A selection of Adrian’s thought leader articles and speaking engagements are noted below;


Speaking engagements

4 Labs 4 Cities
Comparative analysis of four labs in Oxford
Toronto, New York and Vancouver | 2012

Osbourne Research Facility Design Conference
Utrecht | Holland

Max Delbruck Centre for Molecular Medicine
‘Laborrunde’, Berlin | 2010, 2011

Laboratories of the Future
Copenhagen | 2013 

One Nucleus Bio - Incubator
London | 2013

Laboratory Design: Adaptable to Future Needs
Nohr-Con Laboratories of the Future
Copenhagen | May 2015

‘Laborrunde’, Collaborative interdisciplinary environments for science
Berlin | 2015

Tradeline Research Facilities
’Building a better future for research science: A comparative occupant study of recent UK laboratory buildings’
Florida | May 2015

R&D Magazine Laboratory Design Conference
‘The Healthy Lab’
Madrid | September 2017

’Refreshing R&D space - considerations from a user perspective’
Lincoln | June 2018

Innovation Workshop
International Workshop at the University of Glasgow on the Cities Interdisciplinary Innovation Zone. Facilitator and speaker in collaboration with 7N and Aecom
Glasgow | April 2018


HBN 15, New Laboratory design guidelines
Co-Author · Researcher · Designer

Trends in Genetics, Interactive Labs

Laboratory News
Designing for Interaction

Architects Journal
Opinion piece, Building a Healthy Outlook

Laboratory News
Adaptable Labs’, 2014

’The Science of Learning: Designing the STEM Learning Facilities of the Future’
Contributing author | 2016–17


Previous experience

Projects carried out with previous organisations:

2012–2017 | HOK | UK
Vice President, Regional Leader, Science and Technology

University of Glasgow, Research Hub, Glasgow, UK
£65m multidisciplinary Research Hub building.

University of Cardiff, Translational Research Facility, Cardiff, UK
£40m Translational Research Facility incorporating the Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) and the Institute for Compound Semiconductor Research. (ICS).

LG Science R&D HQ, Seoul, South Korea
170,000sqm LG Science Campus, a global research community planned around the company’s vision for highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research.

HLRI, University of Cambridge, UK
Brief and Technical Feasibility Study for a 7000sqm, £40m Heart and Lung Research Institute in Cambridge.

Astra Zeneca, Cambridge, UK
Internal space model and brief for the new AZ Building at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

Sir Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
91,000 sqm biomedical research facility and unique collaboration between the MRC, CRUK, Wellcome, UCL, Imperial College and Kings College.

IBI (formerly Nightingale Associates) | UK
Architect, Studio Director, Science Practice Lead

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre (FHCRC)
Tenant fit out to accommodate the FHCRC HIV Trials programme in Cape Town, South Africa.

Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, UK
New Build laboratory/incubator unit buildings (Phase 1). RIBA Stage 5, £25m  

Liverpool Life Sciences Innovation Centre, UK
6,635m2 Bio-Innovation Centre.

Chemistry Department, Loughborough University, UK
Feasibility and Concept Design for the relocation of the University’s Chemistry Department.

Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology, University of Oxford, UK
New Build laboratory building. £37m.